The hunt for extraterrestrial material took a dramatic turn this week with a new study challenging claims of an interstellar meteor discovery in 2014. The research, led by planetary seismologist Benjamin Fernando of Johns Hopkins University, raises questions about the origin of metallic spherules retrieved from the ocean floor in 2023 by a team led by Harvard astronomer Avi Loeb.
The 2014 Fireball and the Search for Interstellar Material
In January 2014, a fireball event, believed to be caused by a meteoroid entering Earth’s atmosphere, was observed over the western Pacific Ocean. Fast forward to 2019, Loeb and his colleague Amir Siraj concluded that this object, designated CNEOS 2014-01-08, originated outside our solar system, making it the first known interstellar visitor. This claim, later backed by the U.S. Space Command, sent shockwaves through the scientific community.
Loeb’s team, determined to secure physical evidence of this interstellar visitor, launched an expedition in June 2023. They dragged a magnetic sled across the seafloor near Papua New Guinea, hoping to recover metallic fragments from CNEOS 2014-01-08, also referred to as IM1 by the researchers.
In July 2023, Loeb announced a successful recovery, boasting hundreds of millimeter-sized metallic spherules. He argued that this discovery “opens a new frontier in astronomy” where extraterrestrial materials can be studied up close.
Doubts Emerge: Seismic Data and Search Area Scrutinized
However, many scientists remained unconvinced. Experts like Matthew Genge, a planetary scientist at Imperial College London, expressed reservations about directly linking the recovered spherules to the 2014 fireball event.
The new study by Fernando delves deeper into this skepticism. Loeb’s team partially based their search area on data from a seismic station on Papua New Guinea’s Manus Island. This station supposedly detected vibrations attributed to the meteor’s fiery descent through the atmosphere.
Fernando’s research suggests a more mundane explanation for these vibrations. “The signal changed directions over time, exactly matching a road that runs past the seismometer,” explained Fernando in a statement. He further elaborated on the challenges of definitively identifying a signal’s origin, “It’s difficult to confirm a signal isn’t from something else. But we can show there are many similar signals, all with characteristics of a truck, not a meteor.”
The new research also questions the location chosen for the meteorite hunt. While the Manus Island data pointed to one area, analysis of data from stations in Australia and Palau, designed to detect nuclear test vibrations, revealed a different picture. “The fireball signal was centered over 100 miles away from where Loeb’s team searched,” stated Fernando. “They likely used the wrong signal and searched in the wrong place.”
Fernando’s team, presenting their findings at the upcoming Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in Houston, suggests the recovered spherules are more likely ordinary meteor fragments or terrestrial particles.

Loeb Stands By His Claims: DoD Data and Spherule Composition
Despite the new study, Loeb remains steadfast in his belief. In a recent blog post, he downplays the importance of Manus Island data in selecting the search area. He emphasizes his team’s reliance on information gathered by U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) sensors.
Loeb criticizes the new study for focusing on “large uncertainties” from other seismometers, potentially ignoring the DoD data. He argues that dismissing DoD data undermines national security infrastructure.
Furthermore, Loeb highlights the unusual composition of the recovered spherules. His team found them to be enriched in Beryllium (Be), Lanthanum (La), and Uranium (U) compared to typical solar system materials. “Our analysis shows these spherules are not coal ash or from Earth, Moon, or Mars,” Loeb wrote, suggesting the “BeLaU” abundance pattern could be from an exoplanet with an iron core.
Loeb’s team plans another expedition to the original search zone, hoping to find larger meteor fragments for further analysis. This ongoing saga highlights the complexities of extraterrestrial material identification and the importance of robust scientific inquiry.
The Search for Interstellar Material Continues: A Fight for Evidence
The hunt for definitive proof of interstellar material continues, with the discovery of metallic spherules in 2023 sparking a scientific debate. While Harvard astronomer Avi Loeb’s team claims these spherules originated from an interstellar meteor, a new study by Johns Hopkins University researcher Benjamin Fernando casts doubt on this claim.
The Importance of Verification and Transparency
Scientific progress thrives on verification and transparency. New findings require rigorous analysis and independent verification before acceptance by the broader scientific community. The controversy surrounding the 2014 fireball and the recovered spherules underscores the importance of a meticulous approach.
Outstanding Questions and Future Research
Several key questions remain unanswered:
- Origin of the Seismic Signal: Fernando’s research suggests the seismic data used by Loeb’s team to define the search area likely originated from a terrestrial source, such as a truck. Further investigation is needed to definitively identify the source of the vibrations picked up by the Manus Island station.
- Location of the Fireball: The analysis of data from stations in Australia and Palau suggests the 2014 fireball’s location may differ significantly from the area where Loeb’s team searched. More comprehensive analysis of existing data and potential re-examination of the region using advanced search techniques could be crucial.
- Composition of the Spherules: Loeb’s team highlights the unusual composition of the spherules, with enrichments of Beryllium, Lanthanum, and Uranium. Independent analysis of these spherules by other research groups is essential to verify these findings and explore potential explanations for their composition.
Planning for the Future: Collaboration and Open Science
While the current debate highlights differing interpretations of data, it also presents an opportunity for collaboration and open science. Here are some potential next steps:
- International Collaboration: A collaborative effort involving researchers from various institutions and countries could lead to a more comprehensive analysis of existing data and the planning of future expeditions. Sharing expertise and resources could accelerate progress.
- Open Data Sharing: Making all data related to the 2014 fireball event, the recovered spherules, and the search area publicly available would allow researchers worldwide to contribute to the analysis and verification process.
- Future Expeditions: Planning future expeditions to the region identified by the Australian and Palauan data, utilizing advanced search technologies, could provide valuable insights.
The ongoing search for interstellar material is a fascinating scientific endeavour. By embracing a collaborative, data-driven approach, the scientific community can move closer to definitively identifying and understanding these extraterrestrial visitors.